Our Drop-In Hockey sessions offer a great workout and a casual, yet competitive scrimmage. Drop-In Hockey is a time set aside for individual sign up of players for the purpose of a shinny hockey game. Full hockey gear is mandatory for these sessions and a drop in waiver form must be signed with payment made before going on to the ice. We reserve the right to refuse admission if a player is not suitable for the program.
(604) 882-1611 ext. 701
Call after 9:00am to book your spot for that day! You may sign up ahead if you prepay.
Adult Drop-In Ice Hockey (18 & Over)
(Max 20 skaters & 2 goalies + Full hockey gear is mandatory)
Monday – Friday 12:00pm – 1:30pm
*Some exceptions apply.
NO DROP IN FRIDAY November 8th, 2024
Cost: $9.00/Player (Tax Included) Goalies ARE FREE.
or save 15% with a 10 session pass
- Times & Dates subject to change for tournaments (please call to confirm)
- Players must be at least 18 years old
- Must be here by 12:05 or risk losing your spot
- Signs up can be made 9.00am the morning of or prepay and sign up in advance
- Full hockey gear is mandatory
- Players may be told not to come back if they cause trouble